Adaptive Grid Methods and Computational Fluid Dynamics

Organized by Hua-zhong Tang and Kun Xu


Adaptive grid methods have important applications for a variety of physical and engineering areas and in computational fluid dynamics (CFD). They are particularly effective for convection dominated problems containing solutions of sharp gradients or even discontinuities. However it is very difficult to design efficient adaptive grid methods for multi-dimensional complex fluid flows. We will assemble a list of active researchers in Adaptive Grid Methods and Computational Fluid Dynamics. The spectrum covered by the minisymposium ranges from algorithm development, analysis, to implementation and CFD applications. A significant portion of the invited speakers will be young researchers. Many are from mainland China. This minisymposium should serve as a good forum for researchers to exchange ideas and to promote this active and important research direction.

We have a diversified list of speakers from 5 countries and regions (Mainland China, Hong Kong, United Kingdom, Singapore and Taiwan), and from both universities and research labs.
