Moving Mesh Movie

Moving Mesh Results for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws

[1]: Adaptive mesh methods for one- and two-dimensional hyperbolic conservation laws.
      H.-Z. Tang and T. Tang, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 41 (2003), pp. 487-515 (PDF)

• Pictures: (movie under construction)
  Riemann problem with 50x50 mesh (mesh) (solution)
  Riemann problem with 100x100 mesh (mesh) (solution)
  Mach reflection problem with 160x40 mesh (mesh) (solution)
  Mach reflection problem with 320x80 mesh (mesh) (solution)
  Flow past a cylinder with 60x80 mesh (mesh) (solution)
  Rayleigh-Taylor instability (mesh) (solution)