Good words that I love:




老師能深入淺出地介紹課程內容,故儘管同學們對此科目的內容極不熟悉,仍然對此科有濃厚學習興趣。 很欣賞亦很感激老師循循善誘對待我們,因為同學水準參差不齊,老師仍很有耐性講解。














講師備課充足,weekly review對學習有一定幫助,而講師經常激勵同學用功學習本科,令學習氣氛進一步加厚.


講書清晰。 英文流利,肯花時間與學生討論問題


導師講解十分清晰。難明的內容到了趙老師的手上後,便迎刃而解。 Weekly Review精闢獨到,有助溫習。 (有時Dr.趙不會把考題重點寫在review上哩!同學不要期望只讀Review便可過關, 課本的內容和出席課堂也是很重要的。) SAS程式解說明白, 如果由趙老師教Regression就好了。


教得好有心機, 每堂都 好盡力 咬牙切齒地 去講每一個重點, 事實上成本書差不多每一句都係重點 呢本書好重要. 老師英文好好, 好似令到我 d 英文都好左, 老師啓發我去學習 怎樣去表達清楚 clarify 每一個 idea, 不單只 statistical, 其他科都係. 可見老師思考深入認真, 為人堅強理解, 每堂都是 已經毫無保留 教我地. 老師啓發我去學習 怎樣去認真思考一個問題, 不只是 statistical, 其他科都係, 好多日常生活問題都係. 呢科其實好困難, 不過讀 stat 的人又不能夠唔識呢科, 面對 CDA 我通常係 read and think again and again, 加上老師的幫助 至明白講乜, weekly review 好重要, Dr. Chiu 都好重要, 幫助十分大, effective! 老師 office 永遠都是開著門歡迎我地, 老師已經對我地好好, 咁好的老師去邊度搵...






It is the best class I have ever attended.


Prof Chiu is a very good professor and give a great instruction of this coures. The last lecture of this course is on Thursday of each week. Every Thursday after Prof Chiu's lecture finished, I was very disappointed because I have to wait to next week to see him again.


The teacher style of prof chiu is a definition of great teaching.


The lecturer has been especially enthusiatic and very attentive to make sure that students can understand the materials presented, as well as to maintain an active atmosphere of the class. He has made use of intriguing real-life examples, e.g. the famed Monty Hall problem, to enhance the classroom experience and the practicality of the knowledge introduced. I really did not expect an intructor could make statistics, a subject I once thought was nothing but memorizing a long list of formulas, so interesting. Overall, Prof. Chiu is one of the best instructors I have ever encountered in my experience in college.


I like Prof.Chiu's way of teaching. The weekly review is such a wonderful thing that it must be a genius who invented it. Additionally, without notes that we can rely on, reading the textbook becomes necessary. This is just the right way of the study in university.


Prof.Chiu is so professional and experienced that he can demonstrate this course in such a splendid way, as he usually does. It is awesome!


Dr. Chiu is good at explanation.


The lecturer is humourous and he's patience to answer student's questions even outside office hour and lecture hours.


A breakthrough teaching method, a new idea in examinating our standard.


I think my teacher is a good teacher and he can explain the difficult mathematics clearly and make me understand it easily! Thank you.


Dr. chiu is a funny guy and we will not be bored in the lessons and we are very clear about wt we have learnt in the lesson.


The professor has a good command of the English language and is detailed about explanations. He always has justification to his work. When he makes a mistake he admits it. He also encourages class interaction and participation. He definitely knows what he is talking about. The students really respect his knowledge and deem him as a credible source. I really enjoyed having him as a professor.


teach very well, patiently, systematically


The demonstration of the lecturer helps me to think indepth enough. His presentation method is quite funny. We learn in a joyful atmosphere.


The weekly review is very helpful. It helps us to review the text taught is class effectively. I believe Dr. Chiu has devoted a lot of preparing such material. It is also recommended other lecturer to follow this exercise.


the weekly review is definitly useful for us to know wt we had learn in the week and i think without lecture notes would be s good point on this subject as we would be more concentrate during the lessons


He is a good teacher and I seldom meet this kind of teacher at university.


All the contents and the points are clearly presented. i espically love the way he presented. No Projector, No powerpoint, just write and erase immediately. This makes me follow his thinking easlier and clearer.


his teaching is very easy to understand.
he had made an effort to stimulate the learning of student.


the teacher is really wonderful
clearly explain everything
the book is very thick,but he uses only little words which clearly explain all in the book.


A very good teacher, interesting and funny, always make the students exciting.


Dr Chiu has a clear mind so he can express himself using the easiestwords to made us understand, I'm so appreciate about it.


his jokes always make me laugh.


His lesson is pretty interesting. His teaching pace is acceptable. I enjoy his class and his English is quite good and understable. His explanation is quite detail and we know the key point of the course clearly.


the teacher is humourous, so the students usually pay more attention in the class. Also, he explain the origin of every formular very clear.


This course is organized in a very good manner. The lecture notes are quite good as well. I can see that he did put put effort on preparing the teaching materials for this course.


It is difficult to make the boring class interesting. However, Dr Chiu makes it.


Dr Chiu shows a wide range of knowledge towards Statistics. He is confidence in teaching and well prepare for the course.


The lecturer has been well-prepared before attending the class. The good point is that the lecture will not just follow the text book, he will show his own work to us .I think this quite good becasue we can read the text book at home , so what the lecturer said is that can help us to explain the idea deeply.Overall , the lecturer has prepared the class very well. Also, the weekly review is one of the wonderful thing that can help us to review the topic .


As the first course of statistics, this course really enhance my interest in this major.Thanks.


Amusing hard words:




老師雖已努力改善教學方式,惟效果仍未如理想。原因可能是老師不明白學生受落的教法和預期得到的教學氣氛。 建議老師可列席其他受歡迎老師的課,或許能從中得到一些啟示...










我覺得呢條友都幾慘,畀人感覺好似成日都同人搞到面左左咁,睇黎呢條友都只不過係不外如是. 好心呢條友成幾張野都冇人尊重就應該好好咁檢討下啦~


the lecturer alway quota many non-interested examplesssss!! and want to make us laugh, but no one response!!!!!! this waste us many timessssss and lose us mood and temper!!!


if just listen on lesson cannot get the knowledge clearly, so need to read the book and it causes me very busy.





I was happy to see that the Weekly Review series received quite a few good comments and was very touched by your encouraging appreciation.


I whole-heartedly agree with the critique that my English is poor, and I understand very well that a few of you may not be able to understand more than 5% of my English (please note that although these two sentences are linked together, the first one is not a cause of the second) Thus, I would like to encourage all of my students to improve their English so that hopefully one day all of you can understand my English and I can understand yours. Well, since I am not an English professor but a Statistics professor, perhaps I should replace the word English above by Statistics.


I am still learning from physiotherapists how to make a student who does not have a sense of humour smile. Please be patient.


I am an old-fashioned man who talks to youngsters attending my lectures as if they were my students. I am unable to treat them as customers or buddies.


I am sorry that I have pushed not only talented but all my students to read, to learn and to think; I have been paid to do so.



Statistical model:


My teaching effectiveness in a subject is of course a constant, say C. The purpose of teaching evaluation is to estimate C. Each student has been asked to measure C once and let’s denote the measure given by student i by vi. That is to say,


vi = C + ei, for i = 1, . . . n.


Variability in the teaching evaluation results comes not from C but from {ei}, which can represent the variation among students. This explains why in the same subject some students appreciated my teaching whilst some did not, because ability varies. However, we do not know whether the sum of ei is zero or not, and so the teaching evaluation does not lead to an estimate of C. Nevertheless, the results could lead to an estimate of the variability among students, which may be related to their ability. Since the teaching evaluations have been done anonymously, it is not clear whether there is a positive or a negative correlation between {ei} and the final scores. A clue given in their comments is that a student who wrote in prefect and lively English found the professor has a good command of the English language, whilst a student who wrote in dry and weird Chinese found 講師 . . . 英文差 (see also the second paragraph in the rejoinder section).