The 2nd International Conference on Scientific Computing and Partial Differential Equations
The First East Asia SIAM Symposium

December 12-16, 2005
Lam Woo Conference Center, Hong Kong Baptist University
Hong Kong.




There have been very rapid developments of efficient algorithms on scientific computing and related investigations of mathematical issues of partial differential equations and image processing over the past decade. As a result, many problems in diverse application fields such as fluid dynamic, image processing, computer vision, and computer graphics in the entertainment industry can now be routinely simulated to high resolution. It is our intention to orgainize a well respected international conference series on Scientific Computing and Partial Differential Equations in Hong Kong. The first of this conference series was held at Hong Kong Baptist University in December 2002, and was a highly successful event. Many top scientists in the area of scientific computing, including Academicians from USA, Sweden, France and China, attended the conference and presented their research results. A conference proceedings was published in American Mathematical Society’s Contemporary Mathematics series, a prestigious volume series of AMS. More details about the conference can be viewed at


In the second of this conference series, we would like to review recent developments and to explore exciting new directions in scientific computing and partial differential equations for time dependent problems and its interaction with other fields such as image processing, computer vision and graphics. An emphasis of this conference, which we hope will set it apart from others, is the strong interaction of significant mathematics with advanced algorithms applicable to real world applications.

There have been very rapid developments of Scientific Computing in Hong Kong over the past decade. As Hong Kong transforms itself into a high-tech industrial region, the need for scientific computing will rise dramatically. This conference will further promote research interests in scientific computation in Hong Kong.

The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) is the major society for Applied Mathematicians. There are many chapters and sections for the SIAM in many regions in the world. The East Asia SIAM was formed a few years ago, but its first conference has not yet been held. The East Asia SIAM has recently decided to organize its first conference jointly with the 2005 International Conference on Scientific Computing and Partial Differential Equations.

Invited Speakers:

Mark Ainsworth University of Strathclyde, UK
Alfred Carasso National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA
Carsten Carstensen Humboldt University, Germany
Zhiming Chen Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Philippe G. Ciarlet City University of Hong Kong
Weinan E Princeton University, USA
Lisa Fauci Tulane University, USA
Daniele Funaro University of Modena, Italy
Barbara Keyfitz* Fields Institute, Canada and Univ. of Houston, USA
Wenbin Liu University of Kent, UK
Yvon Maday Paris 6, France
Rolf Rannacher University of Heidelberg, Germany
Jie Shen Purdue University, USA
John Strain UC Berkeley, USA
Gilbert Strang* MIT, USA
Andrew Stuart University of Warwick, UK
Pingwen Zhang
Peking University, China
Jun Zou The Chinese University of Hong Kong

*Also East Asia SIAM keynote speakers supported by SIAM


Organizing Committee:

Raymond Chan The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Michael Ng Hong Kong Baptist University
Zhong-Ci Shi Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Chi-Wang Shu Brown University, USA
Tao Tang Hong Kong Baptist University


The Croucher Foundation
Enrichment Programme for Young Mathematics Talents (CUHK)
Hong Kong Baptist University
Hong Kong Mathematical Society
K.C. Wong Education Foundation
Lee Hysan Foundation
PKU-HKBU Joint Research Institute for Applied Mathematics
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

Conference Proceedings:

TeX file preparation.

Contact Information:

c/o Department of Mathematics
Hong Kong Baptist University
Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong
Phone: (852) 3411-7015
Fax: (852) 3411-5811

Registration and Accommodation:

All participants in the conference must register. The registration fee is US$230/HK$1,800, but those who register by September 30, 2005 need only pay US$180/HK$1,400. All full-time students may register for half price. The registration fee includes conference materials, lunches, tea breaks and a Chinese banquet. To register, please complete and mail/fax us the attached registration form (ps) (pdf) or complete the on-line registration form. Either way we must receive your registration fee for your registration to be complete. We have arranged two hotels for conference participants to choose from. For details, please refer to the Accommodation Reservation Form.

Talk Submission:

Submission closed.

Conference Venue:

The conference will be held at the Lam Woo Conference Centre of Hong Kong Baptist University. Information Desk and Internet Access are available during the conference. (PDF)

Some Useful Information:

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