Within the past two years there have been several honours received
by those associated with the JRIAM. These are listed below.
Prof. L. Zhu has been appointed Chair Professor by the School of Business of
Nanjing University from 2008. Prof. Zhu will visit Nanjing University
regularly to provide its School of Economics with advice on developing
research in financial statistics. He will also give public lectures and
seminars, enhancing academic exchanges with scholars and students of Nanjing
Prof. L.-Z. Liao and his team was awarded four and half million dollars
(Special Equipment Grant Proposal) for the HPCCC's acquisition of PC Cluster
from UGC in 2008.
Prof. Tao Tang, together with Prof. Pingwen Zhang, Dr. Ruo Li and Prof.
Huazhong Tang of Peking University, won a first prize in the natural science
category of the 2007 Tertiary Institutions Science Technology Awards
presented by the Ministry of Education, PRC.
Prof. Tao Tang has been awarded the Overseas and Hong Kong, Macau Young
Scholars Collaborative Research Fund by the National Science Foundation of
China (NSFC) in 2007. With effect from January 2008, Prof. Tang will enter
into a three-year collaborative research will be with Institute of
Computational Mathematics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Prof. L. Zhu was elected as a Fellow of the American Statistical Association
in 2007. This honor goes to the internationally recognized statisticians.
Prof. L. Zhu is also a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS).
Prof. L. X. Zhu awarded the Visiting Professorship at Institute of Applied
Mathematics, Academy of Mathematics and System Sciences, Beijing and the
Honorary Directorship of Institute of Mathematics at Anhui University,
Prof. T. Tang is selected as an Cheung Kong Chair Professor under a joint
program of Chinese Ministry of Education and Li Ka Shing Foundation of
Hong Kong in 2006.
Hong Kong Baptist University received a donation of 10 million Hong Kong
dollars from Wofoo Foundation Limited on November 16, 2005 in support of the
University's development. Among the donation, 1.5 million will be donated to
our Department and the Peking University-HKBU Joint Research Institute for
Applied Mathematics.
Prof. Kai-Tai Fang was honoured as an Excellent Alumni
of Peking University, in May, 2002. He was also invited to be guest
professor by PKU in 2003. A formal ceremony will be held in October 2003.
Prof. Tao Tang received the 2003 Feng Kang Prize.
This prize is awarded every two years to at most two Chinese mathematicians
(in China or overseas) under the age of 45 who have made significant contributions
to scientific and engineering computing. Previous recipients of the prize
include our external members, Profs. C.-W. Shu and Raymond Chan.
Dr. Xiaonan Wu, together with Prof. Houde Han, was awarded
a Second Prize in Science and Technology by the Beijing city government
for their work on numerical solution of partial differential equations on
unbounded domains and its applications.
Dr. Ruo Li was awarded the Best PhD Thesis Prize
of 2003, by Chinese Ministry of Education.
Mr. Li Dong was awarded a Centennial Scholarship for
PhD studies at Princeton University in 2002.
In recognition of their expertise HKBU JRIAM members
sit on the editorial boards of various international journals, including,
Computers and Fluids, Journal of Complexity, Journal
of Multivariate Analysis, Journal of Scientific Computing,
SIAM Journal for Numerical Analysis, Statistics & Probability